12 Things Girls May Do and Want That May Help!

1) When a girl keeps looking at you they want you to kiss them
2) We want you to call us not us call you
3) When we say we want a break doesn't mean we dumped you we just want to see if you deserve us and can stay away for a little. 
4) Just because we dated alot of guys dosnt mean we are total whores it just means we haven't found the right guy
5) When a girl hugs you they want a real long hug and then a kiss
6) When its raining turn around and kiss us for awhile
7) Cuddle with us as much as you can
8) When we are staring out in space we are day dreaming about you
9) Say a girl is beautiful not hot or sexy beautiful it means alot more to us
10) We love to get gifts like teady bears or flowers it means alot to us
11) Sweep us off of our feet or do what ever you can and let us know that you REALLY love us
12) Take us places to meet your friends or just to spend time with us